2008年2月25日 星期一



雲端運算(cloud computing)是分散試運算的一種,就是你把運算處理程序分給一大堆電腦算好了之後在傳回去給你。像Google就放了45萬台電腦這樣做,所以你才可以在他搜尋引擎不到1秒內得到搜尋結果。



資料來源: 維基百科 雲端計算

2008年2月24日 星期日







我保證這一篇會很短而且一氣呵成= =。

2008年2月19日 星期二

Gone Going

Gone Going,當Jack Johnson那種帶著鹹味的溫暖海風加上懶洋洋的沙灘陽光的吉他聲加上Black Eyed Peas超讚的節奏和rap,完美的互補。我最喜歡的歌手配在一起,好聽到快崩潰。

馬的,自從國中畢業之後到現在就沒有在聽音樂了(除了在打工的便利商店被強迫聽一整天大千電台= =)。畢業之後電腦和網路壞掉,MP3消失。超久沒聽音樂害我那些歌名都快忘了,幸好花了一年多收集ICRT喜歡的歌所做的筆記還在,希望電台網站還有留一年前播過的音樂的歌單= =。
最近想要開始聽音樂,所以打算錢買一台iPod Classic 80GB(之前賺的錢敗在新電腦上敗光了),希望快點存夠錢,加油吧!

Gone Going歌詞,收錄在黑眼豆豆的Monkey Business Co.

Johnny wanna be a big star
Get on stage and play the guitar
Make a little money, buy a fancy car
Big old house and an alligator
Just to match with them alligator shoes
He's a rich man so he's no longer singing the blues
He's singing songs about material things
And platinum rings and watches that go bling
But, diamonds don't bling in the dark
He a star now, but he ain't singing from the heart
Sooner or later he's just gonna fall apart
Coz his fans can't relate to his new found art
He ain't doing what he did from the start
And that's putting in some feeling and thought
He decided to live his life shallow
Passion is love for material

And its gone... gone... going...
Gone... everything gone... give a damn...
Gone be the birds when they don't want to sing...
Gone people... up awkward with their things... gone.

You see yourself in the mirror
And you feel safe coz it looks familiar
But you afraid to open up your soul
Coz you don't really know, don't really know
Who is, the person that's deep within
Coz you are content with just being the na¯ve brown man
And you fail to see that its trivial
Insignificant, you addicted to material
I've seen your kind before
Your the type that thinks souls is sold in a store
Packaged up with inscent sticks
With them vegetarian meals
To you that's righteous
You're fiction like books
You need to go out to life and look
Coz... what happens when they take your material
You already sold your soul and its...


You say that time is money and money is time
So you got mind in your money and your money on your mind
But what about... that crime that you did to get paid
And what about... that bid, you can't take it to your brain
Why you on about those shoes you'll wear today
They'll do no good on the bridges you've walked along the way

All that money that you got gonna be gone
That gear that you rock gonna be gone
The house up on the hill gonna be gone
The gold -- on your grill gonna be gone
The ice on your wrist gonna be gone
That nice little Miss gonna be gone
That whip that you roll gonna be gone
And what's worst is your soul will be gone


2008年2月10日 星期日

Happy Tree Friends

not recommended for small children and big babies
Happy Tree Friends是有益身心,讓人看了會覺得人生充滿了意義和希望,世界充滿愛與和平,由Mondo Mini Shows製作的優良卡通。

2008年2月7日 星期四

屁啦 要寫論文喔




我承認我沒料可以寫論文,所以我寧願不寫,Google說do no evil不是說假的= =。但是去看其他同學寫的論文我想可能幾乎都用抄來的,要不然就是當成報告在抄。到時候把他們的論文key在Google上面應該都可以找到些來源,以後我當改報告的老師的話一定會這麼做XD。請大家尊重著作權謝謝,啊那些從公共版權抄來的也要記得附上來源= =。